Satorday Winners 7th. September & More

What a great turnout for Saturday's play. Considering the weather prediction it was fantastic. We actually did see some sunshine a few times during the day. So much so in fact, that one member remarked of another " is that sunburn. or are you just pleased to see me?" (or was that "Have I just embarrassed you?")

As can be seen in the winners image there were enough players to have 1st, 2nd, and third for the mens and 1 and 2 for the Lovely Ladies

So congratulations to Sue Gray, Gloria, Andrew (le Chappeau vert), John Muscat and Douglas.

Yes, that is Doug in the middle. Some say he could be easily confused with a movie celeb. or even Michael, as they are so dashingly good looking.

Such are the consequences of leaving before the prize announcements. A lesson to be learned here.

It was then decided that all who attended were winners indeed. Hence the larger Group photo.

But Wait! there is more.

Following play, the club enjoyed it's first inaugural HAPPY HOUR.

Now that was definitely an unbridled winner.. Wine, Women, men, song and food offerings.

Also to be noted, Great to see Helen Dubberley turn up ready to party on

The good times were rolling, but time was running out. So  the party continued onto  the nearby Thai restaurant.

Unfortunately this correspondent was unable to attend and therefore will leave it up to others to report, create rumours or otherwise describe the occasion.

Whoo Hoo ! What a day!!!

 And a big thank you to all involved in organising the whole day as well as the evening!


Click on Images to Enlarge


Other Announcements

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Sat 20th April
Precision Play
Sat. 22nd April
Sat 240323
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Friday May 13
Event Calendar
Wet. Wet Wet
Saturday 11 May