A Tale of Two Comps

Marija and Neil triumphed - once again! - in our Friday game, congratulations to both of you. Mind you, Marija might not have been quite so successful but luck, and Vinz, were her side, read on.

Here is Mick giving Vinz a bottle in recognition of his very successful  playing in the Nationals, Petanque's top competition. For those new, this is where 300 players from all across Australia compete for 5 days at Easter in doubles, trebles, singles and shooting.

The results have not been published so we took Vinz's word for his success but he, Guy and others did exceedingly well. As soon as the results are out we'll put them on the website. Certainly a bottle and congratulations are due to Guy too, and quite possibly others.

Now for the back story on Marija. The computer had Ghillie and I playing against Marija and Vinz, formidable opposition! To their horror Ghillie was pointing brilliantly and a couple of my half shoot shot a boule and we got all the way to 11-12. At this point Vinz, with two boules in hand and reputation at stake, decided to declare, like they do in cricket, despite there being one end to go. After much scratching of heads we said "you can't do that, that's not cricket!" I think we got to 12 all but they won the last end. A wonderful game, well played Ghillie and the winners scraped home. Such is petanque!

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