Saturdy 10 August Winners

Mad dogs and Englishmen may have come to mind when watching the 2 "Die Hards" out in the rain, cold, sleet, hail, thunderstorms, cyclone etc. But then again they aren't English and there was no midday sun. Well, not until a little later.

The sun did come out. There was no wind and it turned out to be a truly wonderful petanque day. -as they all are. Any day you can play petanque is a good day.-

The good turn in the weather brought Gloria, Di and Gerald onto the field of battle, which was still stained with the blood of the previous 2 matches; Andrew 1. Rex 1

Gerald decided to referee the doubles; Andrew & Di , Gloria & Rex. Gerald also decided he would coach from the side. Hmmmm? A technical brilliant game with great strategy and immense passion from both sides. Playing between the lakes. On the rocks. Under the shelter. In fact anywhere to attempt to gain an advantage. Fortunate it was that the moisture was on the field, as the sparks were so intense from the boules that an all out wild fire would have taken hold if play had been at any other time.

There was talk of maybe a "buttock kissing" result when the score was at 0-8 (Andrew & Di), but finally a break away for Gloria and partner to get the score to 4 -10. Under magnificent tutelage from Gloria the game moved onto 12 All. What a come back. One lesson was learned though; whenever in doubt, measure, measure, measure. This game may have a different outcome had that happened.

With the sun out and Gloria departing, another game with the final four players got underway. A beautiful game on a beautiful day. Really. It was fantastic.! There must be a magic weather spell at Camberwell. Those who didn't come certainly missed out.

So the Saturday winners for this Saturday were definitely those who came and played.

Great Day. Great Game. Great Club

p.s. Andrew and Rex did play a decider. It got to 10 Rex -12 Andrew, before the final deciding end. And guess what? If they had measured at 2 ends back there could have been a different winner.

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