Saturday after Lockdown

Well, we're baaaaack!

And what a start. Lots of protocols, distancing, sanitaizing and more. All very necessary and none of which is burdensome at all.

We started with a list for 18 players, but by kickoff we were down to 14.

However, the good news which  also added to the excitement of re-opening day was that all the poles for the lighting had been erected. 

As yet, not complete of course, and there is evidence of the construction all around the pistes, this all added to a slightly more challenging playoff.

Everyone was delighted to see people in 3 dimensions as opposed to a flat Zoom screen meeting, And much chatting persisted throughout the day. 

Social distancing and all the other requirements were adhered to. The result being a very, very enjoyable and safe days play.

Thank you to ALL who have worked so hard to get this going again, and thank you to the participating players who did "the Right Things" and also assisted with the "decontamination"/sanitizing at the end of the days play. 

The results:

Ladies; 1st Barbi with 3 wins and a delta of 33. 2nd Margaret with a delta of 20

Gents, 2nd. was Peter Barker and 1 st was the bloke who kept the scores, Rex



CLICK IMAGES TO ENLARGE  (Check out the light poles)





Other Announcements

Saturday 08 Feb
Sat 20th April
Precision Play
Sat. 22nd April
Sat 240323
Sat 11 March
Sat 30 July
Lefty Leanings
Coaching News
Friday May 13
Event Calendar
Wet. Wet Wet
Saturday 11 May