Club Ladder as of Wednesday 3rd. July 2024


Wednesday 3rd. July - a Well awaited for Challenge. Trish very eager to take on Leigh who had been away for a while. Under excellent playing conditions with outstanding play from both sides, Trish was victorious Scores being:  Trish 13 , Leigh 11. Changesto ladder.

Sat 22nd. June -At last Bob was able o corner Mark R for the big one. Although Mark was recovering from injury, Bob showed no  mercy and pummled him into the ground. Result; a ladder change with the results: Bob 13 Mark 9

Wednesday 5th . June - Clash of the Giants. Trish took on Bob but proved not to be victorious with the scores Trish 7 to Bob's 13. No change to the ladder.

Saturday 11th. May - Well, the much talked about and anticipated challenge finally arrived.  Wayne taking on Mark R. And what a ripper it was. Close as close could be up until 9 all. It may have been the increased spectator size, but from then on Wayne couldn't find the chink in Mark's armour. The final score Mark 13. Wayne 9. No change to the ladder

Wednesday 1st. May - A big stoush between Liegh & Bob. result Bob 13. Liegh 7. So there is a change in the line up

Wednesday 17th April -Well Bob's back from O/S, but whilst over there, his Good Lady wife said for his Birthday, he should get himself a new set of Hot Shot Top of the Range Never Lose a game set of Magic Boules. And he did. And they shown with today's result of a challenge from Wayne (9) - Bob (13). So Bob moves up 2 places. Look out Mark, he is on his way. But he has to get passed Rex first..... Oh! Yeah! ...Look out Mark, Rex is looking for you for a Challenge (he heard your back is out)

Saturday 24 Feb -  The Big one....... Noella - 13, Andrew - 12. What a match. Untimed . It went for 2 hours.............

Wednesday 14 Feb -  Bob 13, Vinz -8

Frday 02 Feb -  Leigh - 10,  Mark R - 13

Frday 19 Jan - Wayne -12, Ron- 11,  Wayne-  12, Leigh -13

Wednesday 10 Jan - No guesses for who is on a run for higher view on the ladder. Yep! Bob took on  Greg Harris but things wearn't looking good initially. With Bob at 2 and Greg on 9 it seems the job was done. As we all know though, the game ain't over until that last boule stops rolling. Bob was victoriuos with a final score of 13 -11. A magnificent turnaround. Bob now at #15

Wednesday 28 Dec - Anxious to get back up to the higher rungs, Bob took on David and had a convincing win 13 to 2 Putting Bob at #19

Wednesday 20 Dec  - Wayne to Noella ( Brave Man). Wayne 13 Noella 5. Nice jump for Wayne now 13th. Greg Harris to Rex a very close fought game. 2 exhausted players by the end. Rex 13 Greg 9. No position Change

Saturday 16 Dec - 1st Challenge  Bob 9 to Wayne 13 . No position Change


This is the current standing

  1. Dr Bob
  2. Mark R
  3. Mary D
  4. Trish
  5. Leigh
  6. Wayne
  7. Rex
  8. Vinze
  9. Gloria
  10. Bernadette
  11. Ron D
  12. Gerald
  13. Mark F
  14. Noella
  15. Andrew B
  16. Greg Harris
  17. Gordana
  18. Lynne de
  19. David N
  20. Robert P
  21. Thracy
  22. Heinz
  23. Michael Y
  24. Vin M
  25. Kathy
  26. Jenny
  27. John Whelan
  28. Patrick
  29. Damien




Challenge up to 5 Players above you

One game to 13 points - Any mutually agreed time & Venue

Fulfill within 4 weeks or Walkover. (Try to avoid  as far as possible by playing others above you)

Winner is ladder leader at  midnight the day before the Christmas Party

Please write date and result of Challenge in the exercise book on the office desk

Send Rex details so the website can be updated please

Adjust ladder Display by moving your name above the person defeated

New participants; use a magnetic strip and put yourself at the bottom of the ladder ( marker in office drawer)

 - Again enjoy a social event with a competitive edge.


2023 Activity:

Wednesday 22nd November. Sparks flying, dust raising and huge craters in the ground. Such was the the surrounding environment to the challenge of Trish to Thracey. Having been away for a few months Thracey was unchallengeable, so Trish was quick to take the opportunity to do battle. The Result: Trish 13 Thracey 6. Trish moves up from middle ranking to now 4th on the ladder. (see full ladder below)

Another challenge opened up with Max T against Rex. If your ever wanted to see a match of superb quailty and even skills, this was it. Never more than 1 point in it at anytime. The scores stood at 12 all at the start of the last end. By a fortunate turn of the boule Rex got the last point 13 -12. What a match!

Wednesday 13th October. Leaders leap in with a full on tussle in perfect conditions. In a match showing great dexterity and skill between Myriam (top rank) and Bob (2nd) the positions were changed at the final score of 13 to 4. Bob now on top. He is eagerly seeking challengers in a drive to keep his shooting up to scratch.

Wednesday 4th October. Oh how quickly they fall. Crappy weather day with few players about. So Thracy took the bull by the horns with an all out challenge on Rex. Kapow! Bang! Whallop! THere lays Rex in in a puddle of gravelly water. Done like a dinner 13-6. And the bad news.... Thracy is O/S for 4 weeks.

Friday 25. August. Well the Big Guns finally came out to play. Even though Rex had not played a single game  in 4 weeks and was suffering badly from pneumonia and 2 crushed verterbrae, the challenge from John Muscat was eagerly accepted. It started out as a very even match. End for end. Point for point. At last though, John started to make headway and Rex succumbed to a whalloping defeat; John - 13 Rex - 8. In fine fashion, and in the true spirit of the Ladder Challenge John accepted a return challenge. De je Vu it was. like a recorded version of the first game, with just a slight change in the ending. This time; John -13 . Rex -7. Ce la Vie!

Wed 19th. July. There is movement at the Station.......Denis has added himself to the Ladder and immediately challenged Leigh. In the bright Winter sunlight though, Denis secumbed to Leigh's onslaught of viscious Shooting and Hard pointing. The Score 13-7. No change to the ladder. Rex, feeling "in the mood" had another whack at BOB and with a score of 13-7, proved to be Victorious. Therefore moving up the ladder to 2nd  place. However, it was only short lived as Bob immediately rechallenged. Through Blood, Sweat & Tears, Bob broke through with a Win again 13-7 taking 2nd spot dropping Rex to 3rd.

Wed 12 th July. THE BIG COMEBACK.......well almost. Determined  to wrench  the top spot from  the long term incumbent, Myriam put out the Challenge to Dr Bob. Initially, it looked like an easy walkover with Myriam leaping to a 12-0 lead. But then Bob Loided his Gerns and like a clone of DiCaprio in Titanic, Bob clung on, and on, and on with an incredible comeback to 12 -11. And then like DiCaprio, Bob disappeared into the icy depths of defeat. Myriam victorious  with 13-11. A change in the ladder standings indeed.

Wed 28th June. We  have a New "Ladder Member", Lyn Dufresne. With a magnificent  challenge  to Bob in very wet conditions  in the rain. Lyn had Bob on his knees at one stage, but Bob recovered and eventually won 13-6.  No change to the Ladder


Wed 31st.May. Staggeringly good challenge of Rex to Bob. A sweeping start put Rex ahead 6 -1. However Bob broke him into little peices with final outcome Bob -13 Rex 9. No Change to ladder. In another area of the grounds, A hard fought battle demonstrating the high quality of both players, Myriam Challenged Mary. Final score; Mary - 13. Myriam - 11. No change to ladder

Wed 24th,May. Late afternoon Challenge from Billie to Dr. Bob The Scores; Billie 4, Bob 13. No change to the ladder.

Wed 24th,May.  Well, at last, the result of the BIG THREE WAY Challenge between Trish, Leigh & Rex. The opening situation was this:First of 3 games: R-13, L-9, T -10. Second game: T-13, R-12, L -5. Gruelling and close was theme for the final leg. Trish broke away, taking a great lead up to 10 points. Leigh was consistant sitting around 6-7. Then Rex who had been lagging, statrted the big come back. After what seemed like 5 hours hard play and the last boule to play,( L with 9, Rex with 12 and Trish with 11,) Trish put down a mighty boule exploding the nest and gained the 2 points needed. Outstanding play allround. The Ladder result: Trish with 2 wins out of 3 Holds her place. Leigh Holds her place. Rex holds his place. All that time and effort. Wow! What a Marathon.

Wed 19th, April. One Challenge; Vinze vs Dr Bob. Close match. Bob victorious 13 -11

.Wed 15th, March. One challenge (unsuccessful) today. Myriam 8. Bob 13. So no change to ladder.

Brilliant challenge from Rex to Jenny. Rex 13 Jenny 9. However, rechallenge Jenny 13, Rex 10. Another challenge from Rex. Jenny 13, Rex about 6. So no change to the ladder. Much ado about no change

Wed 8th. March. Myriam & John Muscat battled it out. John Victorious in the first challenge 13-3. Myriam rechallenged and got up  with 13-10. Billie and Max Wright did it on the piste with Billie coming out on top 13-11. Top of the Ladder Big Bash saw Dr Bob overcome Guy 13-7

Wed. 22nd Feb. 2 Gruelling match challenges between Dr Bob and Vinz brought these results with changes to the ladder: 13-7, 13-2. Bob now second to  Guy, with Vinz 3rd. The Marathon ongoing 3 way battle between Leigh, Trish & Rex continues. First of 3 games: R-13, L-9, T -10. Second game: T-13, R-12, L -5. Myriam has now been added to the ladder and looking for a rapid climb.

Wed. 25th. Jan. John Muscat Challanged Rex to best of 3. John won 2 games consecutively. 13-5, 13 -7. Taking him from 22nd on the ladder to number 10.

Wed 18th. Jan. Although a  couple of challenges have been done & won (or Lost), because each challenge was unsuccessfull there are no changes to the ladder standings. Michael Young has taken on Rex on two occasions in recent weeks with best of 3 matches in each case. The latest, in rain, Rex 2 games M.Y. nil.

Friday 13th. Jan. There is an ongoing 3 way challenge between Leigh, Trish & Rex. A match of best of 3. So far not even the first game has been completed, due to the lighting regulation requiring it to be turned off by 10 p.m. At that stage the scores were: Leigh - 8, Trish - 7, and Rex - 9.  Stay tuned

Wed. 4th. Jan. : Michael v Rex. Game: 1 Michael 13, Rex 5. Game 2: Michael 6, Rex 13. Game 3: Michael 11, Rex 13. No change to ladder standing


    2. hallenge consists of 1 game to 13 points, untimed. Should you wish to prolong the agony to best of 3 thats up to participants, however challenger has the last say. I suggest the best idea is 1st to 13 and if loser wants to then re-challenge he/she/other pronoun can.

    3. 2)  Every attempt should be made to fulfil a challenge within 2 weeks. I suggest the challengee should offer several potential times within that time span. I have tended to fit them in around the play days but they could be anytime, or, for that matter, any venue. Obviously work commitments/holiday/illness are not infrequent reasons for being unavailable. This is an attempt to keep the ladder moving not a Draconian edict.

    4. 3)  If challenger wins he moves above the challenger in the ladder and everyone below moves down 1 space. If he loses nothing changes.

    5. 4)  Record the result. I have placed paper in the CPC white instruction manual kept in the “Television locker”. Also take a photograph of the updated ladder (the name tags can slip sometimes) and forward both the result and the photo to Rex for website update.

    Again enjoy a social event with a competitive edge.


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    Apollo Bay
    Some Avoca Pics
    Travel Update
    Rocky Piste
    Super Sixers
    Nagambie Cup