Mixed Doubles Tournament - a big day at CPC
What a great day at the club. Perfect weather, the pistes looked magnificent, catering was fantastic and best of all, there was some seriously good play from competitors from across the state and overseas.

Congratulation to all participants, including the winners Sreng Sorakhim (overseas ) and Frederic Vencatasamy from Fusion. Special mention to Vinze and Trish, our top performing team, they ranked a worthy 7th out of 44 teams. Well done to all concerned.

And a big thankyou to all who helped make the day such a success

Robert Pozzobon for mowing the grass in readiness, Wayne for an extraordinary amount of preparation, raking, setting up & maintenance, Rex & Kathy for a helluva lot of organising, JP for Scoring and Di for registration duties and photography,  Paul who stuck his head out to introduce a new format.

Ron for organising the prize envelopes and cleaning up, others that helped in cleaning up, setting up and putting away including Leigh, Michael, Marija, Vinze, and others. In the kitchen: Carol, Barbie, Margaret, Marion, Gwen, Coleen. Cakes supplied by: Noella, Elaine, Gwen , Mary Muscat, Vicki Martin,  Di and JP. If we have left anyone out ...our thanks (and apologies!)


Here are the results:

Rank Name 1 Name 2 Games Points
1. Vencatasamy, Frederic Sreng, Sorakhim 5:0 65:16
2. May, Ratana Nhem, Bora 5:0 63:14
3. Marie, Eileen Chao, Ratana 5:0 65:19
4. Sonpiseth, Tim (Alex) Oum, Chantrea 5:0 65:21
5. Lucette, Christian Maddern, Kerrie 4:1 61:28
6. Dufresne, Lynn Dufresne, Patrick 4:1 55:23
7. Mueller, Vinzenz Ritman, Trish 4:1 57:36
8. Garrett, Mary Garrett, Terence 4:1 50:32
9. Crichton, Catherine Whitaker, Peter 4:1 50:35
10. Cuthbert, Peter Hall, Wendy 4:1 48:35
11. Bovell, Glenn Humphrey, Pam 3:2 54:30
12. Montredon, Bastien Plompen, Miriam 3:2 53:31
13. Shaw, Tim Hebblethwaite, Aileen 3:2 47:36
14. In, Sary Seap, Prak 3:2 47:40
15. Hunter, June Hunter, Terry 3:2 46:39
16. Hall, Rodney Cuthbert, Jennifer 3:2 41:43
17. Bahler, Guy Rickarby, Sue 3:2 44:49
18. Wilmann, Vivian Grancourt, Danielle 3:2 42:47
19. Allen, Roslyn Cardoso, Faustino 3:2 40:46
20. Bowles, Andrea Colin, Frederic 3:2 41:53
21. Serre, Chris Genovese, Tina 2:3 49:41
22. Parsons, Myriam Pozzobon, Robert 2:3 46:42
23. Soomary, Jessen Oum, Davin 2:3 46:47
24. Savic, Marija Rafferty, Mark 2:3 38:40
25. Norgate, Amanda Lucas, Greg 2:3 45:48
26. Forsyth, Beverley Dickson, Rohan 2:3 41:44
27. Bisahu, Benjamin Maillard, Marie Claire 2:3 40:44
28. Collins, Don Mason, Cheryl 2:3 44:50
29. Mercier, Guy Williams, Evelyn 2:3 38:47
30. Field, Ken Field, Joy 2:3 38:49
31. Marshall, Shirley Przygoda, Christopher 2:3 39:51
32. Langdon, Jeff Langdon, Anne 2:3 39:59
33. Fox, Paul Shears, Rhonda 2:3 32:53
34. Giddings, Ruth Gell, Rod 2:3 29:52
35. Barker, Kathy Barker, Rex 1:4 44:54
36. McIntyre, Laraine Beal, Max 1:4 37:47
37. Buffet, Antoine Buffet, Nicole 1:4 33:49
38. Wales, Gloria Young, Michael 1:4 42:59
39. Maddern, Roger Valentine Mangan, Kate 1:4 35:53
40. Boissezon, Tristan Narayanen, Niven 1:4 31:52
41. Chaperon, Max Bennett, Dorothy 1:4 32:57
42. Grummisch, Leigh Fitzgerald, Mark 1:4 25:52
43. Owen, Helen Ware, Ron 0:5 8:65
44. Egan, Deidre Robinson, David 0:5 7:64

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