Today CPC celebrated 3 significant birthdays. Mark and Jenny W were surprised to be greeted with 2 sugar rich, deliciosa cakes to celebrate their significant birthdays starting with 5.... or maybe that was 6. Your reporter was so over the top with a sugar fix he can barely remember. In a break with tradition an "Advance birthday" was awarded to Myriam... for tomorrow. This was seen as rather a concern, gosh if you start awarding advance birthdays where might it end up? Like a promised tax cut in 2025? Nevertheless Myriam was game and accepted the happy sing along looking far more youthful and vivacious than someone starting with a ..... no, no, forget it!!!"
Today CPC celebrated 3 significant birthdays. Mark and Jenny W were surprised to be greeted with 2 sugar rich, deliciosa cakes to celebrate their significant birthdays starting with 5.... or maybe that was 6. Your reporter was so over the top with a sugar fix he can barely remember. In a break with tradition an "Advance birthday" was awarded to Myriam... for tomorrow. This was seen as rather a concern, gosh if you start awarding advance birthdays where might it end up? Like a promised tax cut in 2025? Nevertheless Myriam was game and accepted the happy sing along looking far more youthful and vivacious than someone starting with a ..... no, no, forget it!!!"