To be held on Saturday 12 April. Our intraclub tournament in November was a huge success. Like the November competition, this will be a friendly, semi formal doubles tournament just for club members. The day will be designed to ensure players at any level will enjoy the game, and we encourage those who have never taken part in formal competitions to participate.
There is no need to find a partner, we will form the doubles teams by partnering less experienced players with players who have competition exposure. Competition will be for fun not prizes.
The format will be 4 games Swiss doubles with a lunch break in the middle. Click herefor a full outline of the competition format.
This event will replace our normal 3 game Saturday play. Players not wishing to take part, can play informally if pistes are available.
To register (or if you have any questions) you can contact Bob by clicking on the button below. Registrations close on midnight April 10.
So far there have been two sessions both very well received. The remaining dates for the first half of the year are Saturday 8 March (an email has already been sent to members for this one), Friday 28 March, Wednesday 9 April, Saturday 3 May. Keep an eye on your inbox for coaching emails from Paul.
We are hosting 3 competitions in the next few weeks
Victorian Triples Championship Sunday 30 March
Get a team together and register atMy Petanque. There will be a Men’s Open and a Women’s Open Division. Entry cost is $25 per player. Pay cash only on the day. Registrations close at midnight on 27 March. Starting time is 9.00am for 9.30 start.
. VPCI Singles Competition Sunday 6 April
All details are posted onMy Petanque. There will be a Men’s Open and a Women’s Open Division. Entry cost is $25 per player. Pay cash only on the day. Registrations close at midnight on 3 April. Starting time is 9.00am for 9.30 start.
VPCI Precision Shooting Competition& Qualifying
Saturday 5 April This competition will not impact our normal Saturday play.The club will host a qualifying event on Tuesday 11th March at 9.30 am. Paul has sent members an email explaining this competition. If you did not receive this email or have questions, email Paul using this link.
Helpers in the kitchen required
We need helpers for the Triples and the Singles competition. There a few wonderful members who always volunteer at these events. You are invited to join them, you don’t have to be a “foodie”. If you haven’t helped out before at a tournament, give it a go. It’s fun.
Use the button below to let Kathy know you are interested.
Rex has just a released a fortnightly podcast called A story to tell. In this series we listen to the life stories of an eclectic group of people whose only connection is being a member of our club.
Through research, charm, cajoling and even coercion (just kidding) Rex draws out interesting stories. Episode 1 was released last week and features a fascinating interview with Greg Harris. Now he has a story….or two…. or three…. to tell, listen and you’ll find out.
Rex will email the link to the podcast as each is released. Click on that link, or click on this link to his website, you will be certainly surprised and entertained.
Come and play card games
Games are held on the last Friday of every month from 3pm. Have fun, learn how to play, our games masters Leigh, Pam or Deidre are happy to show you how. As usual, petanque play begins at 5.30 or you can play cards throughout the evening as you wish. The next cards session is Friday 28 March.
Bronze Sports Club Accreditation
The Boroondara Sports Club Accreditation Program recognises and rewards sports clubs that actively create a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for their players, spectators and volunteers.
We have again achieved Bronze Accreditation which gives the club a sound base for applying for grants and priority to take part in community participation initiatives.
Please park your car thoughtfully
We all know there is limited legal parking near the clubhouse. Often there is one car occupying an area that would fit two vehicles. Please consider other members when you park your car.
Stay safe in the heat
It’s a great time of the year to play petanque but it’s also important to take extra care on those sunny summer days.
Wear closed-toe shoes to avoid injury, this is a mandatoryrequirement for play.
Stay hydrated
Seek shade (use our umbrellas), wear a hat and suitable clothing.
Use sunscreen liberally and reapply often.
Organised play is cancelled when the forecast temperature is 35 degrees or higher.
VPCI Committee Vacancy
The VPCI are looking to recruit a new secretary. Meetings are held every quarter via Zoom. Being a committee member is a practical way to support the ongoing success of the sport in Victoria, If you would like to find our more, please email Bob.
Nearly every weekend there are VPCI tournaments,
so have a go
If you are looking to build your petanque skills and are ready for a challenge why not try a VPCI tournament. There are regular competitions in the metro area and regional Victoria. Triples, doubles, singles, mixed and 60+ tournaments, there is something to suit every player. Get a team together, visit My Petanque and register. Good luck
Short cuts
The Event Calendar includes dates for play, club opening roster, coaching, competitions and social events- it's always available on our website.
What has our committee been up to? The minutes of our meetings are published on the website you can check them outhere.
Club Update is a newsletter we receive fortnightly from City of Boroondara. It provides up-to-date information on a wide range of topics relevant to sports clubs and their members. Here are links to the most recent editions.
We would like to hear from you
Use the feedback button below to get in touch with us.
CPC News
Register for our Intraclub Competition
Register for our Intraclub Competition
To be held on Saturday 12 April. Our intraclub tournament in November was a huge success. Like the November competition, this will be a friendly, semi formal doubles tournament just for club members. The day will be designed to ensure players at any level will enjoy the game, and we encourage those who have never taken part in formal competitions to participate.
There is no need to find a partner, we will form the doubles teams by partnering less experienced players with players who have competition exposure. Competition will be for fun not prizes.
The format will be 4 games Swiss doubles with a lunch break in the middle. Click herefor a full outline of the competition format.
This event will replace our normal 3 game Saturday play. Players not wishing to take part, can play informally if pistes are available.
To register (or if you have any questions) you can contact Bob by clicking on the button below. Registrations close on midnight April 10.
Coaching news
So far there have been two sessions both very well received. The remaining dates for the first half of the year are Saturday 8 March (an email has already been sent to members for this one), Friday 28 March, Wednesday 9 April, Saturday 3 May. Keep an eye on your inbox for coaching emails from Paul.
We are hosting 3 competitions in the next few weeks
Victorian Triples Championship Sunday 30 March
Get a team together and register at My Petanque. There will be a Men’s Open and a Women’s Open Division. Entry cost is $25 per player. Pay cash only on the day. Registrations close at midnight on 27 March. Starting time is 9.00am for 9.30 start.
. VPCI Singles Competition Sunday 6 April
All details are posted on My Petanque. There will be a Men’s Open and a Women’s Open Division. Entry cost is $25 per player. Pay cash only on the day. Registrations close at midnight on 3 April. Starting time is 9.00am for 9.30 start.
VPCI Precision Shooting Competition & Qualifying
Saturday 5 April This competition will not impact our normal Saturday play. The club will host a qualifying event on Tuesday 11th March at 9.30 am. Paul has sent members an email explaining this competition. If you did not receive this email or have questions, email Paul using this link.
Helpers in the kitchen required
We need helpers for the Triples and the Singles competition. There a few wonderful members who always volunteer at these events. You are invited to join them, you don’t have to be a “foodie”. If you haven’t helped out before at a tournament, give it a go. It’s fun.
Use the button below to let Kathy know you are interested.
A story to tell…a new podcast by Rex
Rex has just a released a fortnightly podcast called A story to tell. In this series we listen to the life stories of an eclectic group of people whose only connection is being a member of our club.
Through research, charm, cajoling and even coercion (just kidding) Rex draws out interesting stories. Episode 1 was released last week and features a fascinating interview with Greg Harris. Now he has a story….or two…. or three…. to tell, listen and you’ll find out.
Rex will email the link to the podcast as each is released. Click on that link, or click on this link to his website, you will be certainly surprised and entertained.
Come and play card games
Games are held on the last Friday of every month from 3pm. Have fun, learn how to play, our games masters Leigh, Pam or Deidre are happy to show you how. As usual, petanque play begins at 5.30 or you can play cards throughout the evening as you wish. The next cards session is Friday 28 March.
Bronze Sports Club Accreditation
The Boroondara Sports Club Accreditation Program recognises and rewards sports clubs that actively create a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for their players, spectators and volunteers.
We have again achieved Bronze Accreditation which gives the club a sound base for applying for grants and priority to take part in community participation initiatives.
Please park your car thoughtfully
We all know there is limited legal parking near the clubhouse. Often there is one car occupying an area that would fit two vehicles. Please consider other members when you park your car.
Stay safe in the heat
It’s a great time of the year to play petanque but it’s also important to take extra care on those sunny summer days.
Wear closed-toe shoes to avoid injury, this is a mandatoryrequirement for play.
Stay hydrated
Seek shade (use our umbrellas), wear a hat and suitable clothing.
Use sunscreen liberally and reapply often.
Organised play is cancelled when the forecast temperature is 35 degrees or higher.
VPCI Committee Vacancy
The VPCI are looking to recruit a new secretary. Meetings are held every quarter via Zoom. Being a committee member is a practical way to support the ongoing success of the sport in Victoria, If you would like to find our more, please email Bob.
Nearly every weekend there are VPCI tournaments,
so have a go
If you are looking to build your petanque skills and are ready for a challenge why not try a VPCI tournament. There are regular competitions in the metro area and regional Victoria. Triples, doubles, singles, mixed and 60+ tournaments, there is something to suit every player. Get a team together, visit My Petanque and register. Good luck
Short cuts
The Event Calendar includes dates for play, club opening roster, coaching, competitions and social events- it's always available on our website.
What has our committee been up to? The minutes of our meetings are published on the website you can check them out here.
Club Update is a newsletter we receive fortnightly from City of Boroondara. It provides up-to-date information on a wide range of topics relevant to sports clubs and their members. Here are links to the most recent editions.
We would like to hear from you
Use the feedback button below to get in touch with us.