September Newsletter

CPC News


As we emerge from the cold of winter into spring, we have some great social and competition activities coming up…including  a pizza & wine tasting evening on Saturday night.

At our AGM, we reported that our club is performing well on all fronts and we have some changes to the committee so read on the find out more.

Also check out the review of social events held over the past 12 months, it’s been huge. The club is thriving thanks to the many members who volunteer throughout the year.

Only 10 places left for wine tasting and pizza night

There’s no tasting charge and the winery is offering a generous 15% discount on purchases on the night and free delivery. How good is that!

Join us for an evening of wine tasting with award winning winemaker John Stokes of Wood Park Wines Milawa. John will present nine wines, including two award winning reserve wines and his 2022 Chardonnay. Wine tasting will start at 6pm sharp, Invite your family and friends to join us.


This Saturday 14 September at 6pm Cost: $10 pay at the door for pizza after the tastings

RSVP by 12 September.

RSVP to Kathy now by pressing the button below.


AGM Wrap Up

The AGM was well attended again this year. Rex provided a summary of the President’s Report,  Greg, our numbers man presented the Treasurer’s Report which indicated that our financial position is strong. He also proposed that there be no change to membership fees for next year which was (not surprisingly) supported by the members present.


We farewell Rex from the committee and welcome new general committee member Faye O’Sullivan, she will bring a lot of energy and ideas to the team. The makeup of the committee otherwise remains unchanged albeit with some position changes. Coleen Cartwright is our new President, Bob Hutchinson VP, Deidre Eagan and Greg Hall remain Secretary and Treasurer respectively.


The general committee members, along with Faye, are Marion McDonald &  Kathy Barker who organise our social events and Paul Williams who organises our memberships and enjoying the game activities, including tournaments. Congratulations to all committee members on their election and thanks for their ongoing and significant contribution to the running of the club.

Clockwise from left, Kathy, Bob (Vice President) Greg (Treasurer) Paul, Marion, Deidre (Secretary), Coleen (President) & Faye.

Crazy whist night is coming

Keep Saturday evening October 19 free if you are interested in socialising, mind exercise and fun competition. Crazy Whist is a card game which involves all participants playing in pairs. Each pair challenges another pair, and then change partners and move to the next game …think of rotating partners in progressive barn dance. You will spend the evening playing cards, mingling with various partners and other pairs.  Full details next newsletter.

Mixed Triples Competition - a big day for the club

CPC is hosted the 60+ Mixed Triples Competition on Sunday. Over 60 players competed in a lively day of play. The club was well represented with 7 teams participating. Assoc members Lynn and Patrick came a tremendous 2nd, and congrats to Scott, Mark R and Marija our highest scoring CPC team coming in at 6th place.

Special thanks to the many volunteers who helped make this day a great success.

Thanks Rex

Rex has been a very active and enthusiastic president of our club for the last 2 years. His first contribution was the changing of the membership fees to allow for the removal of the game fees.


That was just the start. From music when we play, to shade umbrellas, to extra seating around the pistes, always attending working bees and plugging every gap in the openers roster, Rex was there. And don’t forget the website, which he continues to manage.  


Again, thanks Rex, we’ll see you on the pistes.

To rake or not to rake?

In case you are wondering … please rake the pistes after each game. Raking reduces weeds and keeps the pistes in good playing condition. If you are already a regular raker, many thanks for your good work.

It’s been a big year for social events

As part of reviewing the year fin preparation for the AGM, we looked at the social events held over the last 12 months. There’s been a lot of activity and the events were well attended. In addition the catering provided for the tournaments help raise funds which keeps our membership fees low.  


Over the past 12 months catering has been provided for 3 tournaments with a total of 202 players and very successful social events with total attendance of over 250 guests. For the full run down click here.  


Kathy has done a fantastic job organising social events, thanks to willing helpers : Jude, Mary M, Elaine, Pam K, Gordana, Leigh, Noella, Wayne, Helen & Colin, Vicki M, Rosie, Myriam, Carol & Ron D, Ghillie, Kay, Pam & John, Chris B, Barbie, Mary D and Susie.

Friday cards continue

Come and play cards on the last Friday of every month from 3pm. Have fun, learn how to play - our games masters Leigh, Pam or Deidre are happy to show you how. As usual, pétanque play begins at 5.30pm or you can play cards throughout the evening as you wish.  The next session is on Friday 27 September.

Ladder Update

Here are the top five places: 1. Bob 2.Mark R 3.Mary D, 4.Trish, 5. Leigh. For the full ladder story visit our website.

Council grant awarded to the club

The club has successfully applied for a  2024 Boroondara Annual Community Strengthening Grant. The club will receive $3,416.45 towards our end of year celebration and member recognition event on 7 December. 


Thank you City of Boroondara and special thanks to Deidre for sourcing the grant opportunity and preparing a winning application.

Upcoming events

Crazy Whist Night on 19 October

Cup Day Intra Club Tournament 5 November

Christmas Party on 7 December

Look out for more information in future newsletters


Short cuts

The Event Calendar includes dates for play, club opening roster, coaching, competitions and social events- it's always available on our website.


What has our committee been up to? The minutes of our meetings are published on the website you can check them out here.

Club Update is a newsletter we receive fortnightly from City of Boroondara. It provides up-to-date information on a wide range of topics relevant to sports clubs and their members. Here are links to the most recent editions.

We would like to hear from you

Use the feedback button below to get in touch with us.